Charleston County Democratic Party Elects New Leadership

On Saturday, the Charleston County Democratic Party gathered for its 2023 county convention and elected a new slate of officers who will lead the local party for the next two years.

The new officers are:

  • Chair – Sam Skardon

  • 1st Vice Chair – Danielle Vinson

  • 2nd Vice Chair – Sagid Elhillali

  • 3rd Vice Chair – Sydney Van Bulck

Skardon was the 2020 Democratic Nominee for State Sente District 41, which he narrowly lost to Republican State Senator Sandy Senn. His political experience also includes having worked on the campaigns of 2010 Gubernatorial Candidate Vincent Sheheen, the 2008 Presidential Campaign of then-Senator Barack Obama, and spending 3 years serving on the Congressional Staff of US Rep. John Lewis. Outside of politics, Skardon has held several positions in local economic development.

Vinson works in logistics and previously served as President of the North Area Democrats.

Elhillali, an engineer, is the only returning officer having served as the County Party’s 3rd Vice Chair over the past two years.

Van Bulck is a former educator and previously sought elected office as a candidate for the Charleston County School Board’s 7th District.

“Progress in South Carolina has to come from Charleston County,” said Skardon. “The only way to improve our schools, expand Medicaid, or earn living wages is to elect strong Democrats up and down the ballot in our part of the state. We’re going to work hard to make sure our voters, volunteers, and donors know how important they are, and that progress is only possible with their support.”

The new slate of officers were elected to two year terms, which will include South Carolina’s first presidential election cycle holding the First in the Nation Democratic Primary.

Sam SkardonComment