Democratic Elected Officials

We have a growing list of elected Democrats that serve the residents of Charleston County.


Congressman James Clyburn


Congressman James Clyburn
U.S. Congress, 6th District


Ed Sutton
State Senate 20

Ronnie Sabb
State Senate 32

Deon Tedder
State Senate 42

Margie Bright-Matthews
State Senate 45

JA Moore
State House 15

Tiffany Spann-Wilder
State House 109

Wendell Gilliard
State House 111

Spencer Wetmore
State House 115

Leon Stavrinakis
State House 119


Peter Tecklenburg
Charleston County Auditor

Mary Tinkler
Charleston County Treasurer

Karen Hollings
Charleston County Register of Deeds

Rob Wehrman
County Council 3

Henry Darby
County Council 4

Teddie Pryor
County Council 5

Kylon Middleton
County Council 6, Chairman