Colleen Condon Elected CCDP Chair


Colleen Condon, former Charleston County Council Member, was elected Chair of the Charleston County Democratic Party Thursday evening at the organization’s Executive Committee meeting. The out-going Chair enthusiastically supported the decision of the committee. “I'm thrilled that Colleen is our new Chair,” said Brady Quirk-Garvan, “I know that under her leadership the party will continue to grow its base and win more seats in Charleston County.”

Condon, who ran a campaign that embraced the current direction of the party, expressed gratitude to her predecessor for the foundation he built during his tenure. “Brady and his team of officers and activists have done an amazing job of turning out Democrats, and I am committed to continuing the success our team has made in the past several election cycles to elect even more Democrats at every level of government.”

Condon also outlined her four main goals for the next year: empowering and expanding the leadership of the party with a renewed emphasis on the local Democratic clubs; growing the base of small donors; continuing the unprecedented growth of organizing activity at the precinct level; and ensuring that all Democrats have a voice in the party and a seat at the table.

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